Andre Chambers Las Vegas is a seasoned consultant, investor

 Andrea Alonzo Chamber Las Vegas, Nevada, has 20 years of experience in consumer electronics and retail, healthcare, and real estate. Andre Chambers Las Vegas is really passionate about her work and puts her heart into it. Today, Andrea Alonzo Chamber has been working with Ritsema & Associates as an Entrepreneur & Business Coach since January 2015 and she continues to provide the highest level of customer service to her clients to ensure they get the most out of their business & personal goals. In order to keep things moving, you have to be productive. But what does it mean to be productive? It doesn’t just mean that you get a lot done; it means that you get important things done, whether they are big or small. With these tips, productivity becomes your middle name. #1: Plan Your Day: Before you start work each day, make sure that you know exactly what is on your agenda for today. Plan out everything from meetings to phone calls and even social events if necessary. The more detailed and specific you can be about your day, the better off you will be when it comes time to execute it. #2: Take Breaks: Don’t forget to take breaks throughout your day. Breaks don’t have to be long—just enough so that you can refresh yourself before getting back into work mode again. If possible, try taking short walks during your break times so that you can clear your head and give yourself some fresh air as well. #3: Delegate Tasks: You won’t always be able to do everything by yourself, which is why delegation is an essential part of being productive. When delegating tasks, however, make sure that you choose someone who has a good track record with completing projects on time and doing quality work. If you delegate tasks to someone who doesn’t do their job well, then all of your hard work will go down the drain.


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